Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Texas Baptist at the BGCT in 60% of 3rd Floor of Houston's George R Brown Convention Center


One of the least attended conventions I have been to, yet this was the most enthusing conclave I have attended. There were some debates and a few votes to the nay on an issue or two but everything was went to committee or enacted, that was proposed, we had time to join in a conversation with real meat and potatoes kind of folks concerning Baptist distinctives and ministry life. Therem were too many breakout sessions for one man to attend where many different topics were investigated and explicated for the purpose of edify8ing the Kingdom of God and reaching as many folks as possible in as compassionate a manner as can be developed. I had fun, I was encouraged, I feel better equipped, there is energy all about, my sciatica type pain has dissipated, what great fellowship for those inattendance and what great prospects for the group know as Texas Baptists because we have an organization as well established and ready to roll up its sleeves as the BGCT! Check it out by clicking on the title!

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