Is God real? Must Jesus have died? Does the Spirit have power? Then, To tell or not to tell?
It is my experience that God is real. It is an experience decidedly uncovered in an upbringing within a family of believers, and yet having some very personal and amazing manifests for me, and perhaps other than as I tell them to others, for me alone. They are the kind of experiences an outsider might say, "Oh you were programmed to think that way by your upbringing." or, "Those kind of occurences are purely phsychological." or, "That can be explained by 'thus and such' and is not evidence of God".
But relying on the truth as it has been revealed to me, and hoping that you, having read this far, have some degree of agreement with me, or perhaps some hope of agreeing with me on the salient points of this post, are willing to imagine the Bible as that Book of Truth on which we can rely for the promotion of our spiritual blessing, then in some way we are needful, see Romans 3:23, and God has covered our need through the Death of Jesus, His only begotten son.
So, accepting that God is real, believing then that God is spirit, see John 4:24, and knowing of creation, the Day of Pentecost, et al, then we can have confidence that the Spirit does indeed have power. And thus when Jesus tells us to go and tell the world the good news we must.
How can I do that when(interject whatever excuse you have here)? Read God's word, spend time with people who are confessing Christ in their lives, Pray. Then venture out in faith and trust God to do the rest.
and CHAOS ensued!?
5 years ago
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